泰國出口新策略瞄準美國批發商市場美國最大進口商之一駐加州的PK Food會長Pramook Jirdpongsatorn表示,出口商捨便利商店與連鎖店轉而集中搶攻批發商與監獄訂單新策略奏效,成功抵銷景氣低迷對美出口衰退之衝擊。貨源來自泰國等亞洲國家的PK Food主要以Wal-Mart、Sam’s Club、99 Cents與Family Dollar等美國有巢氏房屋零售商為出口對象,成為供應美國連鎖店超過51種品項與逾2,500所監獄鮪罐及加工品的主要供應商。加工與罐頭食品因為價格便宜與耐儲的特性成為美國消費者另一種外食選擇,刺激市場需求不斷攀升;鮪罐、冷凍蝦、即食(ready to eat)與方便烹煮(ready to cook)食品在美國的成長潛力實在不容小噓。泰國出口推廣賣屋處(DEP)副處長Somjin Plengkhum表示,儘管對美出口衰退,泰國出口商仍有很多打進美國市場的機會。DEP打算以北美團體性買主為特定對象,推廣標榜創新包裝與健康衛生的泰國食品刺激銷售量。而泰國駐美貿易辦事處為了推廣泰國食品正積極與北美當地政府協商簽約事宜。(摘譯自Infofish Trade News,NO.12/2009)烤肉~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEW EXPORT STRATEGIES TARGET US WHOLESALERSExporters are adopting new strategies including focussing on wholesale orders and even supplies to prisons tocompensate declining exports to the US. Mr. Pramook Jirdpongsatorn, president of California-based PK 房屋出租Food,one of the largest importers in the US said, despite Thai exports to the US falling during the economicdownturn, the company has not suffered from the crisis as it turned to supplying wholesalers and prisonsrather than department and chain stores. PK Food exports to mainstream US 西服retail outlets like Wal-Mart,Sam’s Club, 99 Cents and Family Dollar. The company sources products from around Asia, includingThailand and now imports more than 51 items to supply the US chain stores. The company is a major supplierof canned tuna and processed foods to more than 2 500 訂做禮服prisons in that country.American consumers are also buying more ready-to-eat foods as an alternative to dining out. This has createdgreater demand for exports of processed foods and canned food, due to their cheaper price and longer shelflife. Products with high potential growth in the 房地產US include canned tuna, frozen shrimp and ready-to-eat andready-to-cook foods.Mr. Somjin Plengkhum, deputy director-general of Thailand’s Department of Export Promotion (DEP), saidalthough exports to the US had dropped, there was still plenty of opportunity for Thai exporters to 建築設計penetratethis market. The DEP plans to promote exports of Thai products to particular destinations in North America,with a focus on institutional buyers. Thai food products, which have innovative packaging and a healthyreputation, should be able to increase its sales in this market. To 酒店經紀promote the growth of Thai products in thatmarket, the Thai Trade Office in the US is seeking ways to negotiate with the local government to signcontracts for Thai food products.

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